How To Groom A Cat That Is Shedding It’s Winter Coat
How To Groom A Cat That Is Shedding It’s Winter Coat
How To Groom A Cat That Is Shedding It’s Winter Coat – When it starts to get warm outside, cats often begin shedding more than they do the remainder of the year. Reason why they had grown extra fur to keep them warm for the winter and, now that it is getting warmer, they no longer need that extra fur. This works well for them, but often makes sure that our homes are completely covered in cat fur!
An easy way to ensure that your house stays clean is by grooming the cat once he begins to lose this hair. You should use any cat brush that you can find at the local pet store. They range from rubber-which is made to pick up the fur, to horsehair brushes, to metal brushes. When you brush your cat with a cat brush, not only are you removing the excess fur from his body, but your are also distributing the oils in his fur.
My personal favorite tool for cat grooming is definitely the Furminator. This can be a metal brush with a great ergonomic handle. it is a little expensive, so I didn’t want to buy it at first, but it was well worth the money, as it gets way more fur out of my cat than any other brush I have ever tried.
You can see that, not only does your cat lose its hair during this time, but his claws may molt as well. All this means is that a new claw has grown underneath the old one and the old one will fall off. It is sort of like a snake shedding its’ skin. You’ll likely find some cat claws on the floor in your home, just remember that this is completely natural.
If you follow these steps listed above, and just make sure to brush your cat regularly (every other day for a short-haired cat, every day for a long haired cat), then you should find that your home is much more pleasant and not covered in cat hair!
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