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Essential Oils – A Holy Anointing Recipe For Christmas | ZINFO BLOG
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Home > Uncategorized > Essential Oils – A Holy Anointing Recipe For Christmas

Essential Oils – A Holy Anointing Recipe For Christmas

September 18th, 2013

Essential Oils – A Holy Anointing Recipe For Christmas

What’s inside a holy anointing recipe? Essential oils and hopefully therapeutic grade essential oils will be the ONLY ingredients. I have contemplated this with regards to a “spiritual” recipe for aiding you in your holiday celebrations particularly spiritual celebrations honoring the birth on the Christ child. Let’s first look within the Bible. You will find not many oils that this biblical writers deemed holy enough to give them a call “holy.” There’re frankincense, myrrh, spikenard, galbanum and onycha. You can get 35 different plants named by name inside the scriptures but only these five got the special designation of holy. Of these five, only frankincense and myrrh have traditionally been as used by churches of their incense.

A Recipe for Anointing

Frankincense will lend a very holy fragrance for a recipe along with the myrrh will deliver a musky tinge towards the body with the blend. Galbanum is truly a wonderfully earthy oil and can add some grounding towards recipe. Onycha is styrax benzoin which enable it to render a sweet vanilla-bean like fragrance towards recipe. Should you choose to include the spikenard, I’d personally achieve this very sparingly since it is in the Valerianaceae of plants and may give a “dirty socks” sort of aroma for your blend.

So here’s the recipe:

12 drops of frankincense

6 drops of myrrh

2 drop of galbanum
1 drop of onycha (optional)
1 drop of spikenard (optional)
Make use of this blend for anointing in the spiritual service, I’d personally include it with 1 teaspoon of virgin extra virgin olive oil. Along with this, I would add it to a clear vegetable oil since extra virgin olive oil is frequently greasy. You can utilize jojoba oil or fractionated coconut oil or sweet almond oil. This will make of a 50% dilution. If… … [-]

The Ultramist Ultrasonic Aromatherapy Diffuser

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