^ ^ Funny Stuff

Funny Stuff – The more research I do With this interesting topic the harder fascinated I become. As well as the more I just read about such things my desire with the Funny increases. Thus, an additional question arises. Are we residing in a paranormal world the location where the facts are funnier then a jokes we write?
I’m sure if every incident or strange event was accounted for and logged we’d have countless books on bizarre occurrences in the last three-hundred years. Tantalize your taste buds Using the following bizarre and funny facts. Some are humorous, other people are ridiculous and the rest, well, It is possible to judge for yourself.
Diagnosis of Boy’s Death gets Second Opinion
We’re often advised to get a second opinion each time a doctor’s diagnosis appears being wrong. But perhaps you have performed this when the person has died? Well this father did as they refused to imagine the death of his three-year-old son.
South China Morning Post: Boy who drowns inside a nearby pool was declared dead in a south China hospital. Well this diagnosis just wasn’t good enough for dear old dad. Whisking the boy off to a bigger hospital in Shenzhen, three-year-old Wang Xuan was revived. And newspapers confirmed the boy later recovered within their intensive care unit. You just don’t know the outcome of fate unless you are attempting and put it back.
Toad Jumps from Can of Pet food
You would think that a straightforward can of dog food would contain just that, commercial dog food. However for the Sheridan’s, that magical tin of Winalot commercial dog food not only consisted of pet food, it revealed a true live toad. Now who does ever think? And just how could this be? Can a toad survive in a very sealed can for three months? Dr. Roger Meek had but one explanation, the toad’s capability to close up its metabolism. The Sheridan’s decided to maintain their new lucky pet giving him Buddy for any name. Awesome!
Man Chokes on Fish
Well this poor hungry soul forgot in order to smoke the fish first. Henry Thomas Buckner did By far the most outrageous thing. Fishing about the Ocklawaha River his friends and stepfather toke note to his strange babbling.
But they didn’t notice Henry stuffing the fish in his mouth yet, there it was, wedged between his teeth. Bleeding from his mouth the men’s efforts to remove it failed. Captain Keith Riddick of Putnam County Sheriff’s office confirmed this amazing story. Henry Buckner was pronounced dead at Putnam Community Medical Center that very day. In this instance it had been the fish that snagged the fisherman. Yikes!
Can Cows Deliver Eggs?
How do a cow deliver an egg? Well shocking as this might seem this one-year old cow did just that. And Qinhuangdao of Heibei Province is when all of it happened. The egg similar in shape to that particular of the real egg wasn’t white but rather black. And after this unique delivery the cow developed an appetite. Stunned by this comic story animal experts have begun researching. (China Daily) Updated: 2006-04-17 09:20
Can a full time income Plant Actually Grow From What, a Nose??
Who knows what they might find during a routine check-up, or even better find growing. The boy from a mountain village within the country Vrancea wasn’t even awake to his ailment until Romanian doctors discovered a little plant growing from inside his nose. Causing no pain the plant had time and energy to germinate and sprout leaves. Doctor Nicolae Moise, from County Hospital in Focsani, made a decision to inform Evenimentul Zilei newspaper. The doctors claimed to have extracted many things from children’s noses as well as their ears but not have they found a full time income plant with leaves. Unbelievable!
Unexplained Five day Shower Baffles Even the Military
Can stones fall on the sky? If that’s so, where would they are offered from? Well within the year 1821 the “London Times” reported just that. In Truro, Cornwall, even the Mayor who visited your house was astonished by the noise from falling stones. And solving the mystery as to where they were coming, well, it had been never solved. Even the military, baffled by this discovery was unable to determine their source. And contrary to popular belief, it continued because five days later, these folks were still falling. Ouch!
So where will we trail Death?
Experts have claimed that whenever someone close to you dies, seeing their ghostly apparition isn’t as uncommon together would believe. Parapsychologists declare that this ghostly image is their individual astral body which includes their life essence. According to experts apparitions are only a type of astral interaction between your dead as well as the living. However, this astral body soon moves to an alternate degree of existence on the astral plane. Thus they are no more visible in ghostly form. Believe that one!
Losing Socks in the Dryer Doesn’t Can compare to this!
It was a homogenous day in Cupar, Scotland, the year, 1842. While hanging their clothes On the clothesline, the women were startled by this sudden explosion. Even more bizarre they stood there while their clothing rose up like balloons. Now in most actuality what increases should come down right? So that they waited for his or her clothes to come back to the ground. However, they only retrieved some, even though the rest simply ascended upwards until they disappeared.
Furthermore, the clothes were carried off on the north. Yet, the chimney smoke in your community proved that this wind was blowing to the south. Figure that certain out. Not so funny in the event it’s your clothes.
Do Fairies Exist?
Have you any idea any one that’s seen a fairy? A difficult to believe tale but sited reports of your fairy began in 1985 in rural Argentina. Adults and youngsters claimed to have seen what they called a “little black man,” with an estimated height of two along with a half feet. With large eyes, a hairy body and long teeth the creature attempted to adopt a five-year-old child. Why, no-one knows. But South American folklore about aggressive fairies state they are sometimes called “Negroes-of-the-Water.” Plus they are considered to dwell in rivers and lakes. So, do fairies exist? Maybe they are doing.
Puffer Fish Poison to Make Zombies?
The glands with the puffer fish obviously contain poison. In Hati, this poison is mixed with the powder To make Zombies, oh my, Zombies? Causing paralysis the person is still alive yet declared dead by way of a doctor. Even more bizarre is this fact fish is actually eaten in Japan and it is considered a delicacy. And challenging in other words resisting this poison, it’s relatively a tasty treat. What’s going to they dream next?
Baby Born with Alien Looking Body
Wouldn’t this be considered a shocker during the day in the event you delivered the most unusual baby on record? One are only able to wonder the reactions with the frightened mother. Could this baby have been conceived from another source? The photo reveals the startling possibility that yes, it looks possible. View article and picture at [http://www.sprott.physics.wisc.edu/pickover/pc/monstrum.html]. Then click on the link Monstrum Humanum Rarissimum-Cliff Pickover
Largest and Oldest Living Entity
Now no plant, animal or human being can ever live this long. This startling and amazing discovery was made in the early 1990′s by scientists. This giant like fungus wasn’t scarcely fungus but consisted of mushrooms and tentacles knotted together to form it vast body. Crystal Falls, Michigan is how it had been found suffocating thirty-eight acres of land. Born from a single spore researchers estimated that this bizarre fungus was as a minimum 1500 years old. This is the truly incredible discovery.
Boiling Toads for Soup Proves Deadly
A trusting mother brews up deadly soup from toads believing in old tradition of eating exotic animals. Someone must have told her it was good for digestion as this is what this gullible mother believed. All four children became ill quickly but treating them at home failed. Family made a decision to rush them to nearby hospital where they fell for this bizarre poisoning. They lived in southern Guangdong province in which the mother caught these toads. Xinhua News agency reported this case.
Naturally an investigation was launched but it is unknown if charges were laid.
Please do not try this in your own home!
Newborn is a Whopping Fourteen Pound Baby?
Now imagine delivering a monster pint size human being. Point out a grand entrance. Well this little Mighty Moe made his grand entrance in Hartlepool England shocking not just the doctor but his poor mother. Weighing in with a whopping 14lbs.7oz there is no way to squeeze this baby into his diapers. Shaune Ellerton graduated towards the diaper sized a six-month old, Wow, now that’s funny.
Book of Guinness Goldfish still Growing
The proud owner and breeder of this rather large goldfish Jackie Chan had named him Bruce. Using a body length of 15.7 inches this little fishy earned a place within the Guinness Book of Records, a proud fish he must be. With the Guinness certificate in hand Jackie Chan who claims his fish to be the longest goldfish in the world also claims that his dimensions are corresponding to a domestic cat, amazing. And to top that off, ever since then the fish has grown more. Ok now what is he feeding it? Hong Kong (Reuters)
Lemons grow to New Size
People to the village of Cyprus believe there’s something within the water because lemon trees will not be speculated to bear fruit this large. Yet, these rebellious trees are producing lemons almost the size of footballs. However the owners of these trees claim it’s all organic. Question for you is, organic what?
We do hope you’ve enjoyed these funny and bizarre facts as much as I’ve enjoyed researching them.
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[+] Hockey ends campaign with joke :Comment: Either he was joking about the budget crisis or ‘costings’ are a joke. Wed, 04 Sep 2013 22:56:59 -0700
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