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Paleo Diet Foods Lists | ZINFO BLOG
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Home > Uncategorized > Paleo Diet Foods Lists

Paleo Diet Foods Lists

September 21st, 2013

Ben Pakulski What to Eat Before During After Workout

Paleo Diet Foods Lists … The Paleo diet is founded on the ancient dietary habits of our ancestors in the Stone Age era. They failed to get access to all of the food sources that people have today and also this diet encourages us to stick with the same basic food groups they had. They’re meat, seafood, fruit, vegetables, nuts and seeds. These will form the basis of the Paleo diet and will also assist you to create delicious, healthy meals for yourself and your whole family.

Meat products is going to be abundant On this diet; and while you can choose from a variety of sources, try to stop the fatty cuts including chicken wings, bacon and pork sausages. Eggs may be eaten, but try to limit this to a maximum of 6 per week. These were accessible to the cavemen in those times, but it would be a scarce food source which means you should eat these accordingly. A wholesome and popular meal is definitely an omelette; and this can be made with veggies including mushrooms, onions and tomatoes. This is a great breakfast option and it’s also a higher protein meal. If you choose other meat products, make sure that They’re from lean sources; preferably from grass or pasture fed animals.

There are obviously certain food groups any particular one should avoid altogether while on the Paleo diet. They’re dairy products, grains, processed foods and fatty meats. Since these weren’t for sale in the Paleolithic era, we must not consume these at all. Grains to stop include pasta, barley, rice cakes and oatmeal. Even though the label says ?wheat free? you should still avoid it. Pasta, rice, cakes and pudding are also around the avoid list. Dairy food like milk, cheese, yoghurt, frozen goodies and butter can not be eaten and shouldn’t be used in any meal. As a basic rule of thumb, if our ancestors did not eat it, we should not either!

Though it might seem that Paleo Food lists certainly are a bit restricted, there… …[-]

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