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Parenting 101 – To School To-Do List | ZINFO BLOG
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Home > Uncategorized > Parenting 101 – To School To-Do List

Parenting 101 – To School To-Do List

September 18th, 2013

6 Easy Back to School Hairstyles! : AndreasChoice

Parenting 101 – To School To-Do List … Teachers is definitely the first to head time for school where will have them in-serviced, attend department meetings, greet parents and students at orientation programs, and prep their classrooms, too. Then, certainly, the buses will roll again, school building doors will open wide, and another school year will begin.

And right off the bat, here’s a to-do list add-on for folks: Immediately, learn around it is possible to about your child’s school-its procedures, buisness hours, and key personnel. Put differently, understand its…

1. Principal/assistant principals, secretaries, counselors, reading specialists, speech therapists, and librarian(s).
2. Calendar of holidays, in-service and conference dates, special events, and so forth.
3. Discipline procedures and responses.
4. Daily, late arrival and early dismissal bell schedules.
5. Attendance office number and policies regarding tardiness and absences.
6. Nurse’s cell phone number.
7. Policy on excessive absences.
8. Counseling services and process for scheduling appointments.
9. Grading system, interim reports, and report schedules.
10. Honor roll requirements.
11. Emergency closing number.
12. Sports and physical eduction regulations and required attire.
13. Athletic programs and policies.
14. Shoe/dress code and steps taken when violated.
15. Homework and test-taking policies.
16. Lunch schedules and lunch loan program.
17. Backpack policy.
18. Student photo dates/make-up dates.
19. Gifted program and qualifications for inclusion.
20. Busing rules/expectations/discipline procedures.
21. Parent-Teacher Association offerings and meeting dates.
22. Awards system and assembly dates: academic, athletic, etc.
23. Student Council grade requirements and election dates.
24. Chaperoning and volunteering opportunities.
25. Website address–and parent portal, if available-for up-to-the-minute school closings, notices, and such.

Investing time in early stages to get familiar while using the people, policies, and workings of your respective child’s school at the start of 4 seasons could keep you connected and in the know, help avoid frustration and confusion because the year progresses, and make certain your responsiveness should the need arise. Best of all, you will be an engaged partner inside your child’s education, and it also… …[-]

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