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Running – Lace Up Your Running Shoes and Simply Run! | ZINFO BLOG
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Home > Uncategorized > Running – Lace Up Your Running Shoes and Simply Run!

Running – Lace Up Your Running Shoes and Simply Run!

September 29th, 2013

Running – Lace Up Your Running Shoes and Simply Run! … Still procrastinating about joining the gymall Don’t have the money? Why not consider running?

I just turned 43, and have been running for years. I ran track in High school, but then stopped after graduation. When I wanted to get into shape again, I began with the stationery bike and Stairmaster.

After finding them very boring, I decided to buy a pair of running shoes, lace them up and enjoy a breath of fresh air. I started on a track and counted my laps. It’s much easier to put on the appropriate apparel go outside and start running, than to drive to the gym. When your exercise routine is convenient and simple it’s easier to stick with it. As long as you have your running shoes, you can run any place, any time. Going to the gym is going to a designated location. With running, there is no designated location. You can simply run anywhere!

Part of the exhilaration is not thinking about where you are running, just being in the moment. The moment can be a thought in your mind, or a smell that reminds you of playing outside when you were a child. It can be a scenic view, or the warmth of the bright sun. It could be the crispness of a fall day, or your footprints on the newly fallen snow.

There’s nothing like the feeling you get when you run in a different state than where you live. New surroundings, different climate and new smells. Some of my most memorable runs were: Running off of the cruise ship in Bermuda, seeing the commuters on their scooters, with the brightly painted houses in the background, Running on the narrow paved roads with old, quaint houses in Canada, Running in Atlanta during the Olympics and Running in California on Thanksgiving Day with only a t-shirt and shorts.

While running you can always discover a new path, boardwalk, beach, road, track, or park. My favorite and most useful running gifts are my I-Pod and my pedometer. Nothing beats the sense of accomplishment after clocking your distance on a pedometer and running further because of the inspirational songs you’ve listened to. Sometimes it’s preferable to run without accessories. You feel lighter and it’s peaceful to be lost in your… … [-]

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