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Diesel Clothing | ZINFO BLOG
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Home > Uncategorized > Diesel Clothing

Diesel Clothing

October 7th, 2013

Diesel Clothing … Renzo Rosso a renowned Italian designer founded the Diesel Fashion clothing in the year 1978. Presently the organization is performing amazingly well in the international market as well as other major player present within the competitive scenario. Diesel fashion clothing targets both the major sections with the society, men and females. It concentrates on designing and output of jeans and casual designer clothes for men and ladies together with accessories. Renzo Rosso dedicated himself on the world of fashion to prove his ability of offering designs and creations that couldn?t be seen anywhere.

Renzo Rosso often worked with most talented, creative and imaginative creators to design clothes that are latest also to suit all classes of the society. However, he discarded the old fashioned designing of the fashion industry that was already common out there. Diesel Clothing is focused to design very luxurious products that are evergreen in the fashion market. His broad thinking and unlimited visualization created a fashion label that has been often chosen by Many of the people who desired to lead an independent lifestyle. His designs reflected a sense of freedom for carefree individuals. His collection includes By far the most outstanding and good quality clothes by adopting trendy styles, manufacturing process, fabrics used and quality measures, to begin with standard products and accessories that are willingly and happily accepted on earth today. These qualities of Renzo Rosso helped him to gain an edge like a world leader within the fashion world. The creative designers assisting Renzo Rosso have talented methods to produce designs that conventional but productive and therefore are published in enormous magazines, newspapers and even in Television shows.

Presently, Diesel Clothing has achieved US$ 330 millions annual turnover, of which 85% is derived on the international market outside Italy. In Molvena , situated in Italy’s North-Eastern part, in which the Diesel headquarters are positioned, controls and manages the working of 12 subsidiaries in the countries like Europe, Asia and also the America (America and South usa). You’ll find a lot more than 1300 employers employed by diesel. The Diesel brand that stands stable in market for longer than two decades till today has come out as the most innovative and famous designer brands that designs and manufactures jeans and causal wear for men and women and also a… … [-]

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