A Review Of The Nostalgia Electrics Microwave Oven
A Review Of The Nostalgia Electrics Microwave Oven

A Review Of The Nostalgia Electrics Microwave Oven – I love beautiful, unique things, particularly those that are vintage or retro. I absolutely love the recent trend towards designing appliances to look like they were made in the 1950s. The specific style is referred to as mid-century modern, a design style that focuses on smooth, futuristic looking shapes. Circles and rounded accents were used often and added chrome was always a plus.
I excitedly unpacked my new Nostalgia Electrics microwave oven. First, I must say that this microwave oven is absolutely beautiful, even more so than I expected from the pictures. The glossy red finish is gorgeous. The chrome accents sparkle. The handle has a solid, well-constructed feel to it. I personally prefer a handle to a push-button door opener. I think it lends a more high-end feel and also leads to less problems with malfunctioning down the road.
I started out by making popcorn. The unit was quiet and popped the popcorn perfectly. There were very few unpopped kernels and no burnt ones. This model is 800 watts; less than I am accustomed to. Because of this, it did take a little longer to complete the popcorn, but I think I can wait an extra 40 seconds for my snack.
I found the controls to be intuitive and very User friendly. I actually find them faster and easier to use than the modern looking keypad controls found on most models. The biggest downside to this model that I noticed during the review period is its diminutive size. One thing I regularly use my microwave oven for is defrosting large pieces of frozen meat, such in general chicken.
Everyone in my office loved this microwave oven. The size and power are fantastic for individual lunches and heating water for beverages, which are the two things done most often with regards to cooking in our office. There had been a bigger model there originall’; this unit freed up some counter space, which we all appreciated.
Overall, I really do like this microwave oven. I think it is a perfect addition to my office and it will stay there. However, this can be a somewhat compact microwave oven and as such may not be well-suited to large families. Seriously consider the size if you are interested in this model. See how it measures up to microwave ovens you have used in the past.
You Also Want to Read About :If you belong to this category of homemakers then you must have thought various available alternatives by now. You may have also come to the conclusion that there are in fact only some trusted options to reduce your burden. In case, your family members have different eating habits and you’re left with no time to support your needs on time, you can take help of a microwave. This will help to reduce your workload to significant levels and allows you to utilize your saved time for other important activities.
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