Exercise Bike Fitness
Exercise Bike Fitness … Exercise bike fitness is a superb path to better fitness and health. The exercise bike is an old stand-by exercise tool that has stood the test of time. Fad exercise machines have come and gone but the exercise bike is still a proven machine to build fitness.
For overall fitness you need exercise for heart fitness, muscle building and flexibility. Your exercise bike is usually a key part in your overall program. Especially during wet or cold weather the exercise bike is useful every day and whenever they want.
Heart Conditioning
For the cardio-vascular or heart conditioning part you need something that will elevate your heart rate up to 50 percent of your maximum if you’re a beginner or 70 percent if you’re more experienced. Then you should maintain that rate at least for 15 minutes and longer is better. Your maximum heart rate is about 220 minus your age. For this activity your exercise bike is ideal. You can alter the resistance of your bike to target just the effort level you need. Clearly one can walk or ride a regular bike or jog or do any other aerobic exercise too. Mixing up the exercise over time is the vital thing to not getting bored with stale repetitive exercise. Boredom will stop your exercise program so don’t… … [-]
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