Acai Berry – The Super Fruit

Acai Berry – The Super Fruit –
So is weight loss the only benefit of acai berry’ Although it may look that way, since its weight loss properties are given exceptional media prominence. In reality, it offers the same health benefits as its cousins, the blueberries, blackberries, strawberries and cranberries. In fact, it provides over a thousand times the quality of antioxidants of the red grapes. It also provides not only an immediate energy boost but also an amazing taste.
This is due to its unusually high levels of anti-oxidants, especially the antioxidant Anthocyanin which is present in large concentrations. Acai berry also boasts a concentration of anti inflammatory agents, plus it has Omega 6 and 9, which are highly effective anti cholesterol agents. Add to these the incredible list of available minerals such as Calcium, Potassium, Copper, Manganese and Zinc and the acai fruit indeed begins to sound like Bonanza.
The minerals present in this fruit combine to boost the body’s natural immunity, heightened ability to heal from cuts and wounds, improve brain and nerve function, plus improve skin luminosity and health.
The Acai berry will come in form of pills, powder, juice and shakes from various online vendors. It’s not at all available as a fruit, since it has an incredibly short shelf life, of only 2-3 days maximum, once it is picked. Taken in whichever form, the efficacy of Acai berry makes it act as an all natural diet supplement with virtually no side effects.
However, with its incredible list of available vitamins and the powerful combination of minerals acai berry is a must have additive for most of us. It is strongly advised for anyone who is worried slowing down your aging process, fighting off free radicals or just wanting to look more beautiful and healthy.
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