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Posts Tagged ‘health’

Government Health Experts Warn

August 10th, 2015 Comments off

Government Health Experts Warn
Government Health Experts Warn – Does early school start cause health issues for teens? Most American middle and high school students start the day too early, the government health experts warn, leaving millions of kids at risk of being chronically sleep-deprived.
Despite the health recommendations, the survey found states around the country are slow to change the morning bell. Louisiana had the earliest average school start time, 7:40 a.m. In Hawaii, Mississippi and Wyoming, no school started at the recommended time of 8:30 or later. Overall, 42 states reported that 75-100 percent of their public schools started before 8:30 a.m.
A new survey from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found that only one in five middle and high school students start the day at 8:30 a.m. or later, the time recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics.
Researchers looked at data from nearly 40,000 public schools to determine start times during the 2011-2012 school year. The findings were published today in the CDCs Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report.
The average school start time: 8:03 a.m.
The CDC report cites studies finding more than two-thirds of high school students do not get enough sleep.  The National Sleep Foundation recommends 8 to 10 hours a night for teens ages 14 to 17.
Health experts have long warned that teens who dont get enough sleep are at risk for a host of ills. Tired teens are more likely to be overweight, suffer depression, perform poorly in school, and engage in risky behaviors.
Getting enough sleep is important for students health, safety and academic performance, said Anne Wheaton, an epidemiologist and the lead author of the study. Early school start times, however, are preventing many adolescents from getting the sleep they need.
Once a child hits puberty, the report says biological rhythms commonly shift so that adolescents become sleepy later at night and need to sleep later in the morning, making early school schedules even more difficult.
But some school districts are taking action.
In Montgomery Country, Maryland, the school board voted to push start times later in the coming school year. The district serves more than 154,000 students. School board president Patricia ONeill told CBS News the goal was to hit 8:30 a.m., but there were many obstacles and the district had to compromise.
For instance, ONeill said if theyd moved high school start times to 8:30 a.m., that would have pushed the elementary school start time much too late. What parent can go to work at 10 oclock in the morning? she said.
The district finally decided that high schools will start at 7:45 a.m., middle schools at 8:15 a.m. and elementary schools at either 9:15 a.m. or 9:25 a.m.
The necessary window to get all of that done is like piecing together a jigsaw puzzle, said ONeill. In the best of all worlds, you would buy enough buses so that you would get all your kids in school by 9:00. You would buy more buses, hire more drivers and do that. But thats not the fiscal world we live in.
It wasnt a simple fix, she said, but I though it was the right thing to do for teenagers. The medical studies indicate its about quality of life and about health issues.
Ref: http://www.theadvertiser.com/story/news/2015/08/09/does-early-school-start-cause-health-issues-teens/31374891/

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Losing Weight With The Lemon Detox Diet

May 12th, 2015 Comments off

Losing Weight With The Lemon Detox Diet
Beyonce’s Lemonade Diet is a fast, healthy, and effective method to detox and lose weight. Find out how the pop sensation lost 20 lbs on the lemonade diet…
Beyonce’s been known to engage in her fair share of fad and a tad bit extreme diets A diet that takes in only 1500 calories to lose weight also helps you burn fat each day. Among the many secrets to a successful food plan is fat blockers and dissolvers. The foods you don’t eat are just as necessary as the food you eat for a successful and maintainable diet experience.

The Beyonc Diet, often known as the Lemonade Diet and the Master Cleanse, limits calories, cleans your system and burns fat through using lemons and maple syrup. It is one way to a healthier life style.
A Paleo diet is designed to facilitate fat burning and increase metabolism by limiting foods to the kind presumed to be eaten by cavemen. It includes vegetables, fruits, roots, tree nuts, berries, fish, shellfish, meat and eggs.
Designed to help with dramatic weight loss, the GM diet plan helps you burn more calories than you take in within a seven-day period. These diets each contain a diet secret to help you lose weight, and block or burn fat.
Here is a specific look at the Beyonc or Lemonade Diet. Fats are dissolved and flushed out of your system when you use the Beyonc Diet. This diet, which is officially called The Master Cleanser, is the diet that became famous because Beyonc used it to lose weight for her role in the movie Dreamgirls. It was originally created in the 1970′s by the pioneering natural healer, Stanley Burroughs, to give relief and heal a variety of conditions. While on the diet, your calorie intake is about 1500 or less daily.
The fat burning action is facilitated by way of a tiny amount of cayenne pepper in the lemonade, water and maple syrup mixture that you drink each day. The diet is followed a minimum of 10 days for the best results. You possibly lose 20 pounds in 10 days, your body is flushed of many toxins, and you have more energy. Additionally, because of the vital minerals and vitamins supplied by the lemons and maple syrup, you’ll be able to stay on the diet for 20 to 30 days before returning to a modified regular food diet. Many diets are available that will help you lose weight. A diet rich in minerals and vitamins is good for you. Choosing the mineral-rich Beyonc Diet also cleans and flushes toxins from your system. It is a diet secret to maintaining a healthier life style.

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The Health Advantages Of Juicing Are Well Documented, But What Precisely Is Juicing’

March 3rd, 2015 Comments off

The Health Advantages Of Juicing Are Well Documented, But What Precisely Is Juicing'

The Health Advantages Of Juicing Are Well Documented, But What Precisely Is Juicing’ – Having a juicer on certain fruits and vegetables can make it easier to help you obtain certain nutrients and chemicals from the foods. A lot of people like 100% pulp-free and some like their juice with lots of pulp. Are you currently a health-conscious person who really wants to make berries and veggies part of the daily routine? No matter who you are or what you are looking for, this is the device that make life easier. Click to SEE Green Smoothie Diet
Juicing fresh, raw, natural foods has been gaining in popularity the past few years when we have come to realize how beneficial fresh juice is made for the body. Not just do freshly extracted juices taste delicious nevertheless they supply a valuable source of nutrients, improve diet, increase energy levels, help with eliminating toxins from the body plus general, raise better all around health.  
Juicing is an approach to separating the juices of fruits and veggies on the pulp and fiber. A top end masticating juicer is capable of doing releasing the juice from fiber by literally breaking the fiber. A centrifugal juicer just isn’t capable of breaking fiber and instead, fiber remains in the pulp as well as nutrient potential is lost. Masticating juicers are recognized generally because the best selection to derive the maximum health advantages from your juicing.
Fresh juices certainly are a very valuable supply of nutrients as well as highly digestible. Juices that have been pasteurized are already subjected to heats as high as 120 degrees, destroying the natural enzymes in the juice. Fresh juices are rich in minerals, enzymes and vitamins that processing such as pasteurizing damages or destroys. The nutrients in freshly extracted juice are intact and thus, provide maximum benefits for health and taste.
It is hard to eat enough fruit and veggies every day to fulfill our daily nutrition requirements. One best part about juicing is that it is an easy way to fulfill the requirements of your body. Another fine feature of juicing is that you could make juice from any combinations of fruits and vegetables that you have on hand. For example, juicing 1 apples, 2 peach, an orange and 4 stalks of celery will make one tasty glass of juice loaded with nutrients and antioxidants.
It really is doubtful that you would eat each one of these fruits plus celery at on one occasion but you are likely to consume the entire glass of juice. Juicing offers a simple way to consume adequate levels of nutrition. Shortly after starting to routinely drink freshly extracted juices, most users feel a marked increase in degree of energy and usually feel better.
Liquids are absorbed by the body quicker that whole foods. Liquid nutrients bypass an integral part of the digestive process allowing them to be digested very swiftly to be utilized by the body for healing, building and maintaining itself. In essence, the juicing of raw vegetables and fruits results in a highly concentrated glass of simple to absorb nutrition.
The health advantages of juicing are numerous. Some vegetables (spinach for example) are extremely rich in antioxidants and therefore are therefore, good for detoxifying your body. Juicing for health is basically juicing always. Uncooked fruits and vegetable contain phytochemicals which are regarded as One of the strongest of disease fighting natural substances.
In general, people don’t consume enough raw fruit and vegetable to reap The advantages of phytochemicals.

(Ref : Yahoo)SEE More Detox Green Smoothie

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Best Rated Running Shoes For Females – Part 1

November 17th, 2014 Comments off

Best Rated Running Shoes For Females – Part 1

Best Rated Running Shoes For Females - Part 1

Best Rated Running Shoes For Females – Part 1Winner: Nike
Running short distances or sprinting has many requirements from a sports shoe, but none is more important laptop or computer being lightweight and the reason being heavier shoes with huge levels of padding are unnecessary for short distances. Heavy padding often is really a running shoe rigid and weighty which could easily take a slight edge off your speed and agility. This can sometimes makes all the difference when you are only owning a short distance.
With Nike being among the world’s biggest sportswear company means they invest huge sums of money into making the lightest and many performance enhancing running shoes available on the market. One amongst their notable technologies, Flywire has not only made Nike women’s running shoes among the very lightest shoes around, nevertheless it has additionally made them among the few most durable shoes out there .
The top Rated Shoes for girls that Run Long Distances
Winner: Brooks
Long distance running requires shoes that are comfortable. Running mile after mile a day is not thrilling If the feet are uncomfortable and your shoes are rubbing against your skin for long periods of time often leading to bruises and blisters. This can be unfortunate, but often, it truly is these unwanted effects of running cross country which often can sometimes turn a pleasant strike a chore for some runners.
Cross country running requires shoes that are comfortable. Running mile after mile Each day isn’t thrilling If the feet are uncomfortable and your shoes are rubbing against your skin for long periods of time often ultimately causing bruises and blisters. This is unfortunate, but often, It’s these negative effects of running long-distance which often can sometimes turn pleasing strike a chore for some runners.
In our tests we found Brooks running shoes to become One of the most comfortable.

If knowledge is power, then after you’ve got finished this article, you will be feel like Mighty Man when this subject is brought up in casual conversation.
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Acai Berry – The Super Fruit

March 19th, 2014 Comments off
Acai Berry - The Super Fruit

Acai Berry – The Super Fruit
So is weight loss the only benefit of acai berry’ Although it may look that way, since its weight loss properties are given exceptional media prominence. In reality, it offers the same health benefits as its cousins, the blueberries, blackberries, strawberries and cranberries. In fact, it provides over a thousand times the quality of antioxidants of the red grapes. It also provides not only an immediate energy boost but also an amazing taste.
This is due to its unusually high levels of anti-oxidants, especially the antioxidant Anthocyanin which is present in large concentrations. Acai berry also boasts a concentration of anti inflammatory agents, plus it has Omega 6 and 9, which are highly effective anti cholesterol agents. Add to these the incredible list of available minerals such as Calcium, Potassium, Copper, Manganese and Zinc and the acai fruit indeed begins to sound like Bonanza.
The minerals present in this fruit combine to boost the body’s natural immunity, heightened ability to heal from cuts and wounds, improve brain and nerve function, plus improve skin luminosity and health.
The Acai berry will come in form of pills, powder, juice and shakes from various online vendors. It’s not at all available as a fruit, since it has an incredibly short shelf life, of only 2-3 days maximum, once it is picked. Taken in whichever form, the efficacy of Acai berry makes it act as an all natural diet supplement with virtually no side effects.
However, with its incredible list of available vitamins and the powerful combination of minerals acai berry is a must have additive for most of us. It is strongly advised for anyone who is worried slowing down your aging process, fighting off free radicals or just wanting to look more beautiful and healthy.

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