Use Caution When Exercising In The Heat
November 29th, 2015
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Use Caution When Exercising In The Heat – Your time and money are very important to you, and fitness is important as well. There are options for you that you may not have considered. You can always exercise at home. Discount stores and websites offer exercise equipment that you can have shipped directly to your door and the great thing about this method if that exercising costs you less. You can order the latest fitness DVD’s at drastically low prices and use them repeatedly instead of paying per class. You can even invite your friends over and you all can benefit from your purchase.

It’s the dog days of summer, and here in North Carolina it is Hot and Steamy. I’m talking Tarzan jungle hot. It is hot enough that i’m making several adjustments to my exercise routine. I normally run outside every day, but this is the time of the year when I least appreciate it. Consequently I am using the elliptical trainer a few days a week, and the other days I head out for a real good sweat.
I’m a kind of people who sweat profusely. By the time I am done my body and my gym clothes are soaked. This means I am draining some serious fluids, which isn’t a problem so long as I adequately replace them, and I monitor any abnormal physical symptoms.
Heat related illnesses are usually due to people ignoring the warning symptoms. They include weakness, dizziness, headaches, muscle cramps and nausea. This means you need to pay attention to your mental state. What appears to be fatigue can progress to unconsciousness.
So I have been doing my research and have come up with a list of valuable suggestions to make certain you summer outdoor workouts are healthy and rewarding:
Stay Hydrated
Even in cooler temperatures, There’s a tendency not to adequately replace expended body fluids. In the summer it is an absolute necessity. You will need to drink water or sports beverages before and after your workout. When you are engaging in extended outdoor exercise (running, walking, bicycling), replace fluids periodically. For runners, consider a hydration pack. If you do not maintain your fluid levels you risk circulatory failure.
If you’re exercising for an hour or less, water is sufficient. Longer than an hour and you have to replace carbohydrates. Warmer weather metabolizes these substances faster. Consider among the popular sports drinks that contain carbs.
Time of Day
When they are predicting some scourging weather, schedule your workout early in the morning or later in the evening. Avoid the mid-day heat and humidity. Workout indoors if that’s the only time you need to exercise
Pay attention to the relative humidity. The body responds to overheating by the evaporation of moisture through perspiration. When the humidity is high, the air is less capable of evaporating excess moisture. Consequently your natural cooling mechanism is compromised. Monitor your vitals. If you start to feel light headed, or you feel completely drain, immediately stop, find a place to cool off and once again replace those vital fluids.
Cool Clothing
No, I’m not talking about the latest fashions. When exercising in heat you do not want clothing that will retain heat. That includes cotton apparel. Go for synthetic breathable fabrics that release moisture from your body and allow efficient airflow. Hats are good for preventing the sun from heating up the blood vessels lining your scalp.
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